Sunday, May 24, 2009

Partied Out

I must be getting old when I can't handle partying anymore. My body had not recovered from the Dead show last weekend and the chaos of this weekend's partying is taking it's toll. On Saturday, I had Brian's 40th bday party which was more like a kid fiesta than an adult party but everyone had a good time. I honestly think everyone was thrilled to have their kids burn off tons of energy while the adults ate and drank. An easy bedtime for all! I drank a little too much wine and didn't eat enough so I was feeling the affects of wine stomach around 2 AM. I really wanted to stay in and sleep on Sunday but my friends Joe & Heather's baby boy Sam was getting baptized. I guess that's the hidden Catholic side of me coming out because if I wasn't so lazy I would go to church every Sunday. I just think baptism is the beginning of a journey for a newborn and is an amazing first milestone in such a young life ( more hidden Catholic....).

After the baptism, Joe was having a little BBQ. I've lost my baby touch...I was holding big Sam who's now 3 months old and he was so squirmy I thought I was going to drop him! We ended up staying at Joe's until 6 PM and I had a few glasses of wine there too...How can you not have a few glasses of wine when you're hanging out w/good friends on a beautiful day? I'm so tired and my house is still a bit of mess from Brian's party. I feel like I gained back the 5lbs I lost but Ezell's fried chicken is worth it..I ate two pieces today. Come Tuesday I'm swearing off the alcohol and getting back to the gym but I'll still be eating that Ezell's until it's gone....

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